Karina Schaapman - The Mouse Mansion
Join Julia and Sam, inseparable mouse friends residing within the enchanting Mouse Mansion. Whenever they're together, mischief and adventures abound!
Embark on their escapades as they stumble upon a concealed sanctuary, warmly greet the ragman, and master the art of crafting pancakes. Amidst the wonders lies a one-stop shop and a chest brimming with treasures. But beware—rumor has it, a rat might lurk nearby! Brace yourself for the unexpected in the ever-surprising Mouse Mansion.
Karina Schaapman, both author and artist, dedicated years to construct and adorn the intricate Mouse Mansion, the backdrop for this captivating anthology. Crafted from cardboard boxes and papier-mâché, this elaborate dollhouse boasts over one hundred rooms, inviting exploration and imagination.
Measures 10.6 x 0.5 x 12.2 "